Thursday, April 24, 2014

Famous place in Diego

 As i live in Diego, i want to describe and to share to all of the person who will read my blog about some of he place in Diego, i Hope that you will enjoy it. Diego is a beautiful country and the one thing who make it very famous is the sugar loaf or "Nosy lonjo" it the land mark of our University  here in Diego, many tourist came here to see it because it  fascinated and  beautiful view , near it yo will see ramena road the way who rely Diego to ramena beach who is the famous beach in diego, the sugar loaf that you see here in Diego is the same in brasilia and it considered as a sacred mountain ,because many Malagasy native come their asking for help and blessing invoking the ancestors, I wish that many people tourist will came here to see this beautiful sugar loaf who is land mark of Diego.
Now i wanna talk about our cemetery  here in Diego, here we have an English cemetery who is commonwealth of English and South Africa who was fighting to colonize Madagascar; until now this cemetery is under control of English Government  at night there is a body guard and a garden to take care of their cemetery here in Diego. Then we have also French cemetery and Malagasy cemetery who is very popular  because there is no discrimination every Malagasy who are died can be bury there .
So now, one of the famous place in Diego is Novel Hotel,and Boite Noire who is situate in Colbert street who is the best place in Diego for those people who want have fun and to relax, but the difference between this two discotheque is the price because Nouvel hotel is very expensive for us Malagasy people 10 thousand ariary for the men but the women don’t pay, but in Boite Noire the price is only 5 thousand ariary for men and women don’t pay.
Here in Diego also we have a Catholic Church who was build during colonist settlement and you can see their two community who pray their ; french community who pray every Saturday at 6 :30p.m ; and for the malagasy community they pray on Sunday morning at 6 o clock. The catholic church have an Holy Cave everyone can pray their, they have also a private school that we call Saint John school, and they have also a seminaryespecaily for the young boy who want to be a priest.
Diego possess a street that we call Colbert Street in tis street you will see the most big hotel in Diego, like Grand hotel, Colbert hotel, Imperial hotel. So all of this beautiful,and famous  thing who exist here in Diego will attract you to came here to visit our country if you never been here.

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